New Leadership, Part 3: The Core Values and Beliefs of New Leadership

My last article suggested a different approach to motivation, driven by intrinsic factors and our innate tendencies towards purpose and autonomy. Using a few examples, I illustrated the ways that protecting others’ self-esteem with respect is often a trigger for creativity, innovation, and positive emotions.

Allowing people to be driven by their natural interests is an adaptive shift away from our conventional emphases of control and management. Today, I’ll talk about how these principles underpin New Leadership.

The essence of New Leadership is another way of thinking and hence, another way of acting. This paradigm shift has already occurred in science but has not yet fully penetrated our companies. In other words, there is a gap between what science uncovers and what our companies do.

I assume that it is possible for most organizations to change through evolution and not through revolution. While the latter may appear necessary, the first tends to be more realistic.

“Evolution is finding a gradual way to achieve change, adaptation, and renewed success through a different course of action—including another leadership method.”

New Leadership strives to be a source of inspiration for this gradual evolution.

The central values and opinions of New Leadership are threefold:

  1. Employees want and naturally strive for a meaningful and autonomous way of working and living. Autonomy stands for the ability to choose and influence; it does not mean: separate from others.
  2. Employees are partners in our company. One may expect input, participation, and quality from a partner.
  3. Employees have the right to be happy at work. This goes beyond giving them a portion of attention so that they work harder. Of course, I realize that many will consider this argument somewhat naive. However, can any organization afford to disregard this, considering that people spend such an important part of their lives at work?


There is still a gap between these considerations and reality. I believe that this is caused by fundamental human characteristics preventing the fulfillment of autonomy, craftsmanship, and purpose conditions. These characteristics are found at both within management and at the organizational level.

In my next article, I will explain these characteristics more in detail.