Can You Use The Leadership Compass With Teams?

We’ve all got different behavioural tendencies when it comes to communication. And we move frequently between different Leadership Compass quadrants in different contexts, as our friend Rupert has shown. So surely, the Leadership Compass is going to be difficult to apply in team situations – right? Fortunately, leaders, it doesn’t have to be! In this…

Navigating with the Leadership Compass

The last of my communication blogs considered some of the most effective ways to communicate consciously, using the Leadership Compass to identify four types of behaviours. We saw how Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow behaviour types look in our interactions, and how seeking out feedback about our preferences is an empowering way to practice Mind…

Formulating a Business Ambition

I’ve talked in my previous articles about how Ambition is rooted in our personality, and how it drives us and those around us forward, authentically, toward a future that matters. Now, this might seem like a funny question – but do bear with me: What do you think about hedgehogs? When it comes to formulating…

The Leadership Compass: 4 Types of Behavior

In my last blog, I introduced the Leadership Compass. I outlined how leaders can use the Compass to understand their communication preferences so that they can more consciously choose behaviours that will exert greater influence on others. I explained how reflecting on your behavioural preferences is empowering, and that by practising self-awareness and different approaches,…

Communication: More Than Content

Engaging and motivating co-workers means respecting their need for status, certainty, autonomy, relatedness, and fairness. Sounds easy, but is it? It can be, with good communication. In this blog, you’ll learn why good communication is more than just delivering content, and how you can improve your communication as a leader to boost engagement in your…

Why Culture Has Never Mattered More

So far, we have explored two leadership cornerstones – Ambition and Boundaries of the Leadership ABCs. So what’s the last piece of the puzzle, once we have authentic ambition and clear boundaries, driven by values and passion? In Mind Growing Leadership, I explain why Culture is the third piece of the puzzle. Quite interestingly, it…

Boundaries Matter!

So, you’ve found what matters to you as a leader – an ambition that comes from the heart. It’s the direction in which you’ll lead your people, your “WHY,” and your reason for getting out of bed every day. But now, how do you get there? Clear boundaries are the second cornerstone of the Mind…