So, you’ve found what matters to you as a leader – an ambition that comes from the heart. It’s the direction in which you’ll lead your people, your “WHY,” and your reason for getting out of bed every day. But now, how do you get there? Clear boundaries are the second cornerstone of the Mind…
How To Get Ahead By Getting Along
In my last article, I talked about the three different brain areas and how they impact the way we lead. Now I’d like to focus on one particular area that fascinates me in particular – the mammalian limbic system. Why? Because we work in human systems. Whether it’s at the team level or we’re considering…
Neuroleadership and Personality Development
30 years ago, my professor Jean-Piere De Waele said something that has always stuck with me: “The brain is the only organ in the world that studies itself”. It’s true, and it’s fascinating. Our brains play a huge role in the way we interact with others, communicate, and lead. So how can we lead with…